Summer Friday Marketing Tip: What To Do During Your Vacation

Don’t worry if you’re at the beach and relaxing! But… there is a quick thing you can do - and should do - while you’re relaxing that will pay dividends on your social media marketing. You can both relax and build a content library for you to create later.

In this mini-marketing master class (less than 5 minutes!), you will learn:

  • What to do during the summer for marketing

  • What to film and how

  • 3 fresh ideas to film right now for social media

1. Capture Real-Time Moments: While enjoying your summer vacation at the beach, pool, or even while bungee jumping, take a few moments to film content. Authenticity counts, and these real-time snapshots tell your audience who you are and what you do.

2. Enlist Some Help: Ask a friend, family member, or even a helpful hotel employee to film you for 10-20 seconds. Don’t worry about being perfect; capture the essence of your summer activities.

3. Natural Shots Work Best: Whether you’re lounging with a book or running around with your dog, film these moments naturally and without looking directly at the camera. Props like a coffee cup or magazine can make your shot more relaxed.

4. Solo Filming Tips: If you’re flying solo, prop up your phone and walk or bike through the shot. Make it as dynamic and true to life as possible.

5. Own Your Marketing: It may feel awkward at first, but remember—this is for your business! Let everyone know, "I'm doing social media marketing for my business," and proudly attribute it to your need for effective promotion.

So when you're on your summer vacation, whether that's at a pool, at a beach, reading a book in your backyard, in an RV, bungee jumping, literally anything you're doing, make sure to capture that content in real time. You do not have a chance to get it later. Message me on Instagram if you want the video for “How to Film By Yourself.”

We love making these episodes for you, but your feedback is vital, so make sure to subscribe—let’s exit the grind and enter success on our own terms!

Have a fantastic vacation and an even better social media presence! 🌴📸

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5-minute Master Classes in Marketing Every Friday!
Every Friday I drop a very short (less than 5 minute) video marketing tip to help you level up your business while sipping your coffee! Make sure to Subscribe so you get every episode!

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Meet Kim: Kim Rittberg runs an award-winning company that helps real estate agents & business owners grow their leads, income and credibility with video and podcasts. Before that, Kim was a TV news producer for a decade and trained thousands of people to be calm, cool and collected for live TV interviews. She also launched the digital video unit for Us Weekly leading to its $100 million sale, and was a video marketing executive at Netflix & PopSugar. She ditched corporate once she found herself working in the hospital delivery room as she gave birth (seriously!) and now she is committed to helping business owners, coaches, agents & consultants find your own balanced path and build a thriving business!