1 Quick Way to Speak More Confidently in Public or On Video

Hey there, savvy business builders! It's Kim Rittberg here, your go-to expert for transforming your content strategy and digital marketing approach. After two decades as a media executive, I traded the corporate grind to aid dynamic entrepreneurs like you in shining through compelling content. Today, I want to share a valuable nugget that will supercharge your confidence: perfecting your elevator pitch.

It's summertime, and while we might be dreaming of beach relaxation, our businesses don't take a vacation. Whether you're working from a café patio or between beach outings, there’s a simple yet powerful tool to boost your confidence instantly: your elevator pitch.

An elevator pitch is a succinct summary that tells people who you are, what you do, who you help, and highlights your noteworthy achievements. Think of it as your verbal business card, ready to roll off your tongue at any moment.

I’ve dedicated an entire episode to the ABCs of elevator pitches, but here’s the essence!

Keep it Short: Aim for around three sentences. Introduce yourself, state what you do, and mention your key accomplishments.

Know it Cold: Practice until you can recite it without hesitation. The goal isn’t to memorize it robotically but to know it so well that you can deliver it naturally, with your unique personality shining through. Here’s my elevator pitch as an example:

"Hi, I'm Kim Rittberg. I help professionals become thought leaders through video and podcasts. I also do on-camera media coaching. After 20 years as a media executive, I launched Us Weekly's first-ever video unit, worked with Netflix and in TV news, winning six awards for my work. I'm also a writer for Fast Company."

Practice Makes Progress: The more you practice, the more it will feel effortless. Whether you're walking your dog, driving, or even pushing a stroller, take time to say your pitch out loud. This familiarity breeds confidence, making public speaking or client meetings far less daunting.

Elevator Pitches are Dynamic: Remember, your elevator pitch isn't set in stone. It can evolve with your business every few months. The key is to always have a clear, confident answer when someone asks, "What do you do?"

Stay Engaged: As we wrap up, I encourage you to make the most of these tips and ensure your elevator pitch is always ready to go. For more actionable insights, don’t forget to subscribe to my podcast for quick, powerful marketing tips under five minutes—perfect for those busy summer days.

Listen to this past episode to craft your perfect elevator pitch. And send me your pitch on social media.

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Meet Kim: Kim Rittberg runs an award-winning company that helps real estate agents & business owners grow their leads, income and credibility with video and podcasts. Before that, Kim was a TV news producer for a decade and trained thousands of people to be calm, cool and collected for live TV interviews. She also launched the digital video unit for Us Weekly leading to its $100 million sale, and was a video marketing executive at Netflix & PopSugar. She ditched corporate once she found herself working in the hospital delivery room as she gave birth (seriously!) and now she is committed to helping business owners, coaches, agents & consultants find your own balanced path and build a thriving business!