Walking a Tightrope: In Life & Business

Ever felt like you’re balancing on a tightrope, teetering between comfort and the unknown? Well, I know exactly how you feel because I quite literally walked a tightrope. In my latest episode of the Exit Interview Podcast I share some invaluable insights about courage, mindset, and success in the field of marketing.

Recently, I took my son to a ropes course tailored for kids. What started as a fun day out turned into a real-life lesson on facing fears. I found myself standing before a tightrope, one foot-long rope for my feet and another for my hands. Despite my experience and professional success, I was terrified. My son, already across and cheering me on, reminded me, "Mommy, it's like you always tell us, you can be brave." With this motivation, I confronted my fear and made my way across the tightrope.

My tightrope experience is metaphorical for the marketing journey many of us face. Whether it's stepping in front of a camera, presenting creative work, or getting up on stage, the next level of growth always feels uncomfortable. I emphasize that the discomfort is a sign of growth—it’s what propels us forward.

The real key to success, as I point out, is mindset. Skills and techniques are important, but it’s the willingness to step out of your comfort zone that truly differentiates leaders from the rest. "You are brave if you're scared and you do it anyway," I assert. This episode encourages listeners to identify one thing they’re afraid of and commit to doing it, just like I did on that tightrope.

Inspired by my story? Take a moment to reflect on what fears are holding you back. Could it be the fear of public speaking? The fear of showing your work to others? Whatever it is, commit to facing that fear head-on. And remember, you’re not alone—I invite you to share your journey with me via Instagram, LinkedIn, or my website. Let my story of courage inspire you to step off your metaphorical tightrope and into your full potential.

Whether you’re in marketing, business, or pursuing personal goals, embracing your fears and facing them head-on can be a pivotal step towards success. So, take a deep breath, step onto that tightrope, and walk towards your dreams.

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Meet Kim: Kim Rittberg runs an award-winning company that helps real estate agents & business owners grow their leads, income and credibility with video and podcasts. Before that, Kim was a TV news producer for a decade and trained thousands of people to be calm, cool and collected for live TV interviews. She also launched the digital video unit for Us Weekly leading to its $100 million sale, and was a video marketing executive at Netflix & PopSugar. She ditched corporate once she found herself working in the hospital delivery room as she gave birth (seriously!) and now she is committed to helping business owners, coaches, agents & consultants find your own balanced path and build a thriving business!