How to Multitask Your Marketing & What Not to Do!

Hey there, ambitious marketers! Welcome to another quick yet impactful lesson from the Exit Interview podcast. I'm Kim Rittberg, and today I’m sharing essential multitasking tips that can transform the way you approach your marketing strategy—all while folding my children's laundry!

Why Multitask in Marketing?

We live in a fast-paced world where marketing can often feel time-consuming. However, the right multitasking techniques can save you valuable time, helping you maximize productivity and results.

The Art of Engagement

One pivotal aspect of marketing is engagement. Posting content is only half the battle; the real magic happens when you engage with your audience. Don’t just post and forget—comment on your followers' content and interact with those who engage with yours. And here’s the multitasking trick: do this during your 'dead time'—at the supermarket, coffee shop, or any place where you might otherwise be idly browsing your phone.

Deep Work vs. Shallow Work

Reserve your most focused time for deep, undisturbed work like drafting a proposal or creating comprehensive content strategies. Distractions can break your concentration and might take up to 20 minutes to regain. For tasks requiring less concentration, like posting and engaging, multitask to make the most of your time.

Repurpose Your Content

Creating content? Think of ways to repurpose it across multiple platforms. That blog post can become a video script, a LinkedIn update, or a newsletter entry. Squeeze the most juice out of your marketing orange, and ensure every piece of content you produce can be utilized in various formats.

On-the-Go Filming

Marketing success often hinges on great visual content. When you’re out and about—whether grabbing a coffee or taking a walk in a scenic area—hit record on your phone. Capture your surroundings. You’ll find a place to use that footage later, adding a personal, authentic touch to your content.

Multitasking in marketing isn't about doing everything at once, but rather being strategic about your time. Use your 'on-the-go' moments for engagement and filming, and reserve undistracted periods for deep, thoughtful work. Implement these tips to optimize your marketing efforts, and see your productivity soar.

I drop a very short (less than 5 minute) video marketing tip to help you level up your business while sipping your coffee! Make sure to Subscribe so you get every episode!

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Grab the Freebies!

-10 Secrets to Making Video That Makes You Money

-How to Get Speaking Gigs Through Content    
-Follow host Kim Rittberg on Instagram & YouTube to Make Better Videos that Convert Clients

Meet Kim: Kim Rittberg runs an award-winning company that helps real estate agents & business owners grow their leads, income and credibility with video and podcasts. Before that, Kim was a TV news producer for a decade and trained thousands of people to be calm, cool and collected for live TV interviews. She also launched the digital video unit for Us Weekly leading to its $100 million sale, and was a video marketing executive at Netflix & PopSugar. She ditched corporate once she found herself working in the hospital delivery room as she gave birth (seriously!) and now she is committed to helping business owners, coaches, agents & consultants find your own balanced path and build a thriving business!

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